.... at the SECC on Thursday. Mum and I made it safe and sound, although I was a bit concerned when they had to defrost the wings of the plane in the morning, didn't think we were going to get out. Anyway, once there boy did we fill out boots, bags, suitcases ........ and this is what we bought, well my share anyway as Mum has already taken hers before I got taking any pics.

Oh I know I spent far to much money, but I couldn't come home empty handed now could I ?!
A BIG THANK YOU to Kath for her massive blog candy that I won a few weeks ago, it had been divided equally among Mum, Kelsey and me, Kelsey told me when she found out when I won that the bag was hers, now when she goes over to stay at her Nannie's and Grandad's (my mum and dads) she takes her own crafting bag with all her goodies and come to think of it some of mine to........... ah well definitely need to set up with with her own blog. I would also like to thank my other Scottish matey Lorraine who was demonstrating at the Fiskars stall, not only was she demonstrating, she was keeping an eye on my suitcase and all my purchases and to her THANKS HONEY.
It was great to see alot other Fiskarettes, I must apologise as I can't remember all your names and last but not least to Anne it was brilliant to see you and your hubby again, didn't really get much chance for a good old natter, but honey keep the head high your looking great after all your treatment, fingers crossed this side of the water. If I have missed anyone out, please accept my apologises, leave a comment and I will visit your blog.
Ok, only 1 other person in the whole world knew what I had bought and that was my hubby, couldn't believe it when I told him how much they had cost, but now that "they" are here he understands why......... I have been waiting for a long long long time to justify buying these and now I just said to myself "you have worked really hard these past 2 months, go on spoil yourself!" so that's just what I did and I have bought some Copic Sketch Pens (he he he) 20 to be precise. Now I have no excuse for not doing my colouring in properly, will still continue to do my water colouring, using Sakura and my cosmic shimmer, but hey any excuse to buy something new.
Well what do you think of my new addition to my crafting collection? I've already been playing with them and have actually finished my card for this weeks Penny Black challenge, you will just need to come back tomorrow to see what I've "created".
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